
The Webhook feature pushes events on the Hyphenate Customer Engagement Cloud to third-party servers.

Webhook is a value-added service. To activate it, please provide the tenant ID and contact Hyphenate.

Create Webhook

To push an event to a third-party server:

  1. Activate the Webhook feature.
  2. Go to “Admin Mode > Settings > Webhook”.
  3. Click Create Webhook, enter the name and server URL, select an event, and click Save.



Conversation Closed

Event name: ServiceSessionClosedEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "ca81ade0-6dc5-11e6-9c13-dfa1eed70626", 
    "timestamp": 1472460726612, 
    "event": "ServiceSessionClosedEvent",                 // Event type
    "payload": {
        "serviceSession": {
            "id": "4fe1b496-90ac-4412-8f40-0f6a13cbfc4b", // Conversation ID
            "state": "Terminal", 
            "origin_type": "webim",                       // Channel type, webim indicates web channel
            "timestamp": {
                "create": 1472139263000,                  // Time the conversation was created
                "start": 1472139269000,                   // Time the conversation starts
                "stop": 1472460695000                     // Time the conversation is closed
            "channel": {                                  // Channel account
                "id": 3104, 
                "name": "Quick IM account",                   // Channel account name
                "type": "easemob"                         // Channel account type, easemob indicates Hyphenate IM
            "visitor": {
                "id": "a6527ed1-e3f4-4537-aeef-ae35199e3765", // Customer ID
                "name": "webim-visitor-RY7KQK99XVGXBE3JKCHM", // Customer nickname
                "channel_user": {                             // Channel account information
                    "app_name": "sandbox", 
                    "channel_type": "easemob", 
                    "im_id": "webim-visitor-RY7KQK99XVGXBE3JKCHM", // Hyphenate ID of the channel account
                    "org_name": "sipsoft"
            "agent": {
                "id": "b58b99c1-cd3b-44d9-9821-20fb6a0f2f49", // Agent ID
                "name": "Admin",                              // Agent nickname
                "type": "Agent"                               // Agent's role. The value is robot, agent or admin
            "agent_queue": {
                "id": 2112, 
                "name": "Team Alpha"                              // Team name
            "summary_category": [                            // Conversation tags. An array that contains all conversation tags of the conversation
                    "id": 23976, 
                    "name": "Test"
            "comment": "",                                   // Conversation remarks
                "score":3,                                   // Satisfaction ratings
                "comment":""                                 // Satisfaction remarks

New Message

Event name: ServiceSessionMessageEvent

Example of message content:

Text message

    "eventId": "3a7e82a0-aa60-11e5-8544-5111ba4b872e",
    "timestamp": 1450976598050,
    "event": "ServiceSessionMessageEvent",
    "payload": {
        "message": {
            "id": "dad14e23-4566-4ca6-b10e-fceeb59c42c2",      // Message ID
            "service_session_id": "4e27dd5e-683d-4664-a0db-bb8457ec7101",  // Conversation ID
            "from": {
                "id": "27f74a74-5139-4f8c-b65f-15129e7808a8",  // Sender ID (agent or customer)
                "name": "Admin",                               // Nickname
                "type": "Agent"                                // Role
            "origin_type": "app",                              // Channel
            "channel": {                                       // Channel account
                "id": 21,
                "type": "easemob"                              // Channel account type
            "body": {
                "type": "txt",                                 // Message type: text
                "msg": "asdf"                                  // Message content

Image message

    "eventId": "bc4a6120-aa68-11e5-b3c3-dd9f501463d3",
    "timestamp": 1450980251761,
    "event": "ServiceSessionMessageEvent",
    "payload": {
        "message": {
            "id": "dc5004d7-39ce-4a03-bca0-af2c16b269d6",
            "service_session_id": "4e27dd5e-683d-4664-a0db-bb8457ec7101",
            "from": {
                "id": "2cb00d04-60f3-48a4-93b8-caf15b22a262",
                "name": "fa38294841604ac89ba2815689f8f636",
                "type": "Visitor"
            "origin_type": "app",
            "channel": {
                "id": 21,
                "name": "yaaa",
                "type": "easemob"
            "body": {
                "type": "img",                                        // Message type: image
                "url": "/v1/Tenant/5631/MediaFiles/df56bebd-433c-4b0e-aab9-1684fb75999f", // Download address of the image
                "secret": "u9X0eqpoEeW-Hw1NajGLHchLw_cjQA0WifvU7Lid7UsaLafh",
                "filename": "image.jpg",   // File name
                "size": {                  // Image size
                    "width": 2448,
                    "height": 3264

Agent Created

Event name: AgentUserCreationEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "cfb76910-a9fa-11e5-844c-37fa6bbad3ec", 
    "timestamp": 1450933062687, 
    "event": "AgentUserCreationEvent", 
    "payload": { 
        "agent": { 
            "id": "614f3fb7-d757-4894-ba17-90a7c1488a59", 

Agent Status Changed

The online status of an agent or admin includes: online, busy, away, invisible, and offline. Agents and admins can switch their online status. For details about the online status, see Conversations.

The Agent Status Changed event is sent when an agent or admin changes his online status.

Event name: AgentUserStateChangedEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "45114db0-d639-11e5-91c0-a11acb243a77", 
    "timestamp": 1455797716755, 
    "event": "AgentUserStateChangedEvent", 
    "payload": { 
        "agent": { 
            "id": "28d0a4aa-bf19-4724-ab9d-3b74afed34a8", 
            "nickname": "Admin", 
            "username": "licx@easemob.com" 
        "status": "Online", 
        "stateChangeTime": 1455797716491 

Agent Logged Out

Event name: AgentUserLogoutEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "a9928560-d639-11e5-8447-854851e278ee", 
    "timestamp": 1455797885117, 
    "event": "AgentUserLogoutEvent", 
    "payload": { 
        "agent": { 
            "id": "28d0a4aa-bf19-4724-ab9d-3b74afed34a8", 
            "nickname": "Admin", 
            "username": "licx@easemob.com" 
        "logoutTime": 1455797885109 

Agent Deleted

Event name: AgentUserDeletedEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "07ffc670-ce74-11e6-a4aa-e9370bc22534",
    "timestamp": 1483090934322,
    "event": "AgentUserDeletedEvent",
    "payload": {
        "agent": {
            "id": "4b4f0f36-8286-4ccd-8e99-50b33cfdf958",
            "username": "713test10@qq.com",
            "nickname": "10",
            "name": "",
            "roles": [
            "phone": "",
            "created_at": 1483090749000,
            "updated_at": 1483090749000

Add Customer Tag

Event name: VisitorTagAddedEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "9f727ee0-07b7-11e7-b77f-3b3c6fac2bb4",
    "timestamp": 1489387089477,
    "event": "VisitorTagAddedEvent",
    "payload": {
        "visitorUserTag": {
            "visitorUserId": "2ad4af98-903a-4050-9cea-2d5807c85002",
            "userTagId": 5596,
            "tag": {
                "tagName": "Common customer",
                "created_at": 1436805675000

Delete Customer Tag

Event name: VisitorTagRemovedEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "a7364210-07b7-11e7-9a61-dbd5753351ee",
    "timestamp": 1489387102520,
    "event": "VisitorTagRemovedEvent",
    "payload": {
        "visitorUserTag": {
            "visitorUserId": "2ad4af98-903a-4050-9cea-2d5807c85002",
            "userTagId": 5596,
            "tag": {
                "tagName": "Common customer",
                "created_at": 1436805675000

Modify Customer Profile

Event name: VisitorUserChangeEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "b9c1e0b0-07b7-11e7-8ab4-53b659cd1343",
    "timestamp": 1489387133611,
    "event": "VisitorUserChangeEvent",
    "payload": {
        "visitor": {
            "id": "2ad4af98-903a-4050-9cea-2d5807c85002",
            "username": "webim-visitor-EM3GEFC7TBQVRXYM6GGC",
            "nickname": "Leoli",
            "name": "Leoli",
            "roles": [
            "gendar": 0,
            "created_at": 1488884778000,
            "updated_at": 1489387133493

Agent Info Changed

Event name: AgentUserChangeEvent

Example of message content:

    "eventId": "d0a31dd0-07b7-11e7-b1a7-eb03c0f01476",
    "timestamp": 1489387172031,
    "event": "AgentUserChangeEvent",
    "payload": {
        "agent": {
            "id": "eb524dc0-be91-47ac-b6e6-10d013d7d72b",
            "username": "713test4@qq.com",
            "nickname": "Leoli",
            "name": "leoli",
            "roles": [
            "phone": "18612389889",
            "business_id": "1001",
            "created_at": 1453900968000,
            "updated_at": 1489128601000
        "old_agent": {
            "id": "eb524dc0-be91-47ac-b6e6-10d013d7d72b",
            "username": "713test4@qq.com",
            "nickname": "Leoli",
            "name": "",
            "roles": [
            "phone": "",
            "created_at": 1453900968000,
            "updated_at": 1489128601000