====== iOS SDK Quickstart ======
===== One-to-One Chat =====
==== Step 1 - Install SDK ====
=== Option 1: Use CocoaPods (Recommended) ===
The Hyphenate SDK for iOS is available on [[https://cocoapods.org/|CocoaPods]]. CocoaPods is an open source dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
1. If you have not installed CocoaPods tool yet, please check out [[https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html|CocoaPods Getting Started]] for more detail.
2. Create a file named Podfile in the root directory of the Xcode project, and add the following line to the Podfile.
# Hyphenate iOS lite SDK
pod 'HyphenateLite'
# Hyphenate iOS SDK (Support real-time Voice & Video Calling features)
pod 'Hyphenate'
3. Open the Terminal, navigate to the directory that contains the Podfile, and run the following command.
pod install
=== Option 2: Download SDK from Hyphenate ===
1. [[https://github.com/HyphenateInc/Hyphenate-SDK-iOS|Download]] Hyphenate SDK.
2. Import the SDK to your own project. For details, see [[im:iosclientintegration:iossdkimport|Install the Hyphenate SDK]].
==== Step 2 - Initialize the SDK ====
1. If CocoaPods is used, you need to import the SDK header file.
// Hyphenate iOS lite SDK
// Hyphenate iOS SDK (Support real-time Voice & Video Calling features)
2. Implementation in AppDelegate.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
//AppKey: the registered AppKey on Hyphenate console
//apnsCertName: the name of APNs certificate (no need to add suffix) on Hyphenate console
EMOptions *options = [EMOptions optionsWithAppkey:@"douser#istore"];
options.apnsCertName = @"istore_dev";
[[EMClient sharedClient] initializeSDKWithOptions:options];
return YES;
// The APP enters background
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[[EMClient sharedClient] applicationDidEnterBackground:application];
// The APP enters foreground
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
[[EMClient sharedClient] applicationWillEnterForeground:application];
==== Step 3 - Login ====
Call the login API.
[[EMClient sharedClient] loginWithUsername:@"8001"
completion:^(NSString *aUsername, EMError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Login successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Login failed");
==== Step 4 - Import EaseUI ====
Option 1: Download Hyphenate SDK and Import the EaseUI directory.
Option 2: [[https://github.com/easemob/easeui_ios/tree/sdk3.x|Download]] the EaseUI source code and import it to your project.
==== Step 5 - Initialize the One-to-One Chat Interface ====
//Hyphenate ID: @"8001"
//Conversation type: EMConversationTypeChat
EaseMessageViewController *chatController = [[EaseMessageViewController alloc] initWithConversationChatter:@"8001" conversationType:EMConversationTypeChat];
For more information about one-to-one chat, see [[im:iosclientintegration:emmsg|Messaging]].
===== Group Chat =====
Prerequisite: You've completed the previous steps of integrating the one-to-one chat function.
==== Create a Group ====
EMError *error = nil;
EMGroupOptions *setting = [[EMGroupOptions alloc] init];
setting.maxUsersCount = 500;
setting.style = EMGroupStylePublicOpenJoin;// Select a group type
EMGroup *group = [[EMClient sharedClient].groupManager createGroupWithSubject:@"group name" description:@"group description" invitees:@[@"6001",@"6002"] message:@"You are invited to join the group!" setting:setting error:&error];
NSLog(@"Created -- %@",group);
==== Initialize the Group Chat Interface ====
// Group ID: @"groupId"
// Conversation type: EMConversationTypeGroupChat
EaseMessageViewController *chatController = [[EaseMessageViewController alloc] initWithConversationChatter:@"groupId" conversationType:EMConversationTypeGroupChat];
For more information about group chat, see [[im:iosclientintegration:groupmgmt|Group Management]].
===== Contacts =====
Prerequisite: You've completed the previous steps of integrating the one-to-one chat function.
==== Add a friend ====
[[EMClient sharedClient].contactManager addContact:@"8001"
message:@"I want to add you as a friend."
completion:^(NSString *aUsername, EMError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Invitation sent successfully!");
// Accept a friend request
[[EMClient sharedClient].contactManager approveFriendRequestFromUser:@"8001"
completion:^(NSString *aUsername, EMError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"The friend request has been accepted");
// Decline a friend request
[[EMClient sharedClient].contactManager declineFriendRequestFromUser:@"8001"
completion:^(NSString *aUsername, EMError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"The friend request has been declined");
==== Delete a Friend ====
// Delete a friend
[[EMClient sharedClient].contactManager deleteContact:@"8001"
completion:^(NSString *aUsername, EMError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Delete successful");
==== Obtain the Friend List ====
// Obtain all friends from the server
[[EMClient sharedClient].contactManager getContactsFromServerWithCompletion:^(NSArray *aList, EMError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Obtain friends successfully");
// Obtain all friends from the database
NSArray *userlist = [[EMClient sharedClient].contactManager getContacts];
For more information about group chat, see [[im:iosclientintegration:buddymgmt|Contact Management]].