

In the Admin Mode, on the History page, admins can view all the closed conversations, messages, customer profiles, satisfaction ratings, and transfer records, and perform quick quality reviews.

The conversation list shows the customer name, agent name, start time (join or transfer time), conversation tag, transfer status, channel, and channel account. The conversations can be filters based on these information.

View Conversations

By default, the conversation list shows all the conversations which are served and closed within this week as well as the satisfaction ratings and reviews.

View conversations

Note: The historical conversation records are saved for 6 months by default. For extension, please contact Hyphenate.

Filter Conversations

On the History page, click Sort to filter the conversations by time, channel, channel account, conversation tag, transfer status, conversation type, agent name, customer name, satisfaction ratings, and team.

Assign Historical Conversations

Admins can assign a historical conversation to an agent or team. Upon the assignment, the system creates a new conversation.

To assign a historical conversation, go to “Admin Mode > History”, click the Transfer button to the right of the conversation.

View Conversation Details

On the History page, click a conversation to view the message records and customer profile. On the detail page, you can search for messages, edit the customer profile, change the customer tag or conversation tag, and make a callback to the customer.

For web customers, the customer's IP address, region, software environment, and source are also displayed.

You can print the message record of any conversation as a PDF file or on an A4 paper with a printer. The message record shows the conversation flow and is easy to share.

On the History page, click a conversation to enter the conversation detail page, and then click the Print button at the top right to print the current message record for that conversation. To print all the message record, you need to click “More Message History” to load the historical messages.


On the profile tab, the admin can add the customer to the blacklist or remove the customer from the blacklist. The customers on the blacklist can still send messages, but the system does not create conversations for them. Blacklist customers cannot have conversations with agents until they are removed from the blacklist.

Quick Quality Review

On the History page, you can perform quick quality reviews for agents' performance in conversations. Click a conversation to go to the details page of the conversation. Go to the Quality Review tab to view the first response time, conversation duration, average response time, and satisfaction ratings. If the conversation has been transferred, you can view the above indicators for each agent. You can perform a quick quality review for the agent based on the messages and these indicators.


On the History page, or the conversation detail page, click the Callback button to make a callback to a customer. After the callback, the system creates a new conversation.

Export Conversations

On the History page, you can export the historical conversations. After filtering the conversations, click Export to export the filtered conversations as a file. Then, go to Export to download the file.

Each file is valid for 7 days. Download it within the validity period. The size limit for exported files is 50 MB. Oversized files cannot be exported.